बुधवार, 3 फ़रवरी 2016

पुज्य रमणी गुरुजी पुणे में 2016

Ramani Guruji Giving Naadi Reading at Pune on 1 Feb 2016  भाग 1

पुज्य रमणी गुरुजी पुणे पधारे थे । तब के पठण का आनंद ले लें।

Pujya Ramani Guruji had come to Pune to take some rest from his busy schedule at Tambaram Ashram. He generally resides At Shri Jayaraman ji's residence. His Wife Vimala and her sister Sarala are Guruji's very old devotees from their childhood.
Here is the part pertaining to Shashikant Oak.pf the reading on 1st Feb 2016. Jayaramanji hinted to Oak that Guruji was particularly asking me to confirm has he called "Commandera" which he used to Call him since his acquaintance at Air Force station in Tambaram.
The significance of that was revealed when the reading on that evening went for 15 minutes only for Oak. It is rare in general happening.
उसे अगले भाग मे देखें ।

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